My sweet 3 year old Yorkie, Bella, was viciously attacked by the neighbors dog on December 9th, 2015. After numerous requests to the neighbor to do something about her dog head butting my fence, my worst nightmare happened. He pushed his head through the fence and was able to grab Bella by her leg ripping, tugging, and destroying her leg before we could release her. My family, including my 1 and 3 year old granddaughters were in the house decorating my Christmas tree after a nice dinner. Suddenly we heard the gut wrenching screams of my sweet Bella. We rushed her to Banfield where they put a splint on her little leg and sent us off to the hospital. That was Wednesday night and on Friday morning they amputated her right front shoulder and leg. Unfortunately the neighbor has no remorse what so ever. Bella is coming along nicely but as for me, I am still so traumatized and sad.
I take my baby everywhere with me including church and people look forward to seeing her. I’m making her cute little outfits which she likes wearing. I think it is good therapy for me but is just such a sad time. I know it could have killed her and I am so grateful she is doing so good.I was thinking this morning about how will she be able to swim in my pool this summer. She loved her swimming. Will she be able to swim?
I started going to an exercise boot camp and eating clean and lean. I figure if I keep real healthy in my body, my emotions will be stronger as I’m occupying my time. Anyone that can help me recover this would be appreciated.